LING/TESL Resource Page

ball Linguistics Sites and Searchesball ball TESL/TEFL Journals and Sitesball

Linguistics Sites and Searches

ball The LINGUIST List
- main directory will assist you in finding info.

ballWeb of On-line Grammars
- a huge list of many types of grammars, for many languages!

ballEthnologue Database
- information on over 6,700 languages, including number of speakers, location, dialects, language families and much more!

ball Linguistics Resources on the Internet
- take a look, tons of resources!

ballThe Human Language Page
- a comprehensive catalogue of language related Internet resources.

ballOn-line Phonology Course
- a complete course with sound! (Stirling University)

ballConstructed Human Languages
- all about man-made languages!

ballThe Applied Linguistics WWW Virtual Library
- a very useful resource maintained by the famous Larry Selinker.

ballA Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar for English
- for those who love grammar, this place is for you!

- a tool for deciphering languages, pretty cool!

ballUniversal Survey of Languages
- suitable for beginners and experts.

ball YAHOO Linguistics and Human Languages
- search Yahoo for hundreds of possible topics

TESL/TEFL Journals and Sites

ball The Language Teacher Online *If this link does not work, click on YAHOO above and search for the title of the journal there.*
-excellent resource, with journal articles and links to other helpful sites

ball Australian Journal of Educational Technology
- excellent articles and links

ball The InternetTESL Journal
- This is a fantastic site! Teachers will want to read everything. Students, see these pages;
1)Self-Study Quizzes for ESL Students
2)Interactive Quizzes for ESL Students
3)Crossword Puzzles for ESL Students
4)Internet Treasure Hunts for ESL Students

ball The Linguistic Funland
- resources for ESL teachers and students

- links of interest to ESL Teachers.

ballTPR-Total Physical Response
- James Asher's site about TPR language instruction.

ball Dave's ESL Cafe
- a fun site for teachers and students [I really like this place!]



Copyright ) 1998,1999 Barbara Williams. Graphics ) Laurie's Graphics